(Feature Photo: Portrait of King Edward III in the Garter Book; Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
The Islamic town of Kilwa Kisiwani is hitting its peak as a trading port town on an island off the Swahili Coast of Tanzania,
“The great traveler, Ibn Battouta made a stop here [Kilwa Kisiwani] and described Kilwa as one of the most beautiful cities in the world,” “The islands of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara bear exceptional testimony to the expansion of Swahili Coastal culture, the Islamisation, of East Africa and the extraordinary extensive and prosperous Indian Ocean trade from the medieval period up to the modern era.”
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
The Hundred Years’ War begins—a series of conflicts in Western Europe between 1337-1453 waged between the House of Plantagenet and its cadet House of Lancaster, ruler of the Kingdom of England and the House of Valois over the right to rule the Kingdom of France, the first of the three wars inside The Hundred Years’ War is known at the Edwardian War 1337-1360
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
Notre Dame Cathedral is completed and opened
RULERS & ROYALTY: Edward III is king of England (House of Plantagenet)
The Black Death comes to London and about half of the population (which was 80,000) die from the disease, not until the sixteenth century did the population rise to its pre-1348 heights